Details for tomorrow's Return to school


Good Evening and apologies once again for the lateness of this communication.

Thank you once more for your extraordinary efforts over the last fortnight to help our students to learn in such challenging and uncertain times and for your support of our staff.

As alluded to earlier today, we have been encouraged to keep our community safe by implementing a number of strategies – similar to ones we had in place in term 4 last year. These will not be perfect for everyone and I’m hopeful that if we can do our bit, we can help avoid another period of remote and flexible learning or Lockdown 6.0.

The attachment contains important information and operational changes that we suspect will be in place for the next fortnight.

Based on advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, schools in Victoria will return to face-to-face learning and teaching for all students from and including Wednesday 28 July 2021.

As part of planned changes to keep our schools safe and reduce the impact of any future outbreaks, we will be required to implement COVID-safe behaviours. These include the following strategies to promote physical distancing, minimise mixing between groups and limit access to school grounds to only those providing essential services:

  • To prevent the congregation of parents at school gates and allow safe entry, we will have staggered start and finish times, and separate entrances for different Year levels – see below for details
  • Non-essential visitors will not be allowed into school grounds
  • Break times will be staggered where possible to ensure cohorts of students remain apart
  • All school gatherings such as assemblies and school events will be deferred or held remotely

Tomorrow will be about celebrating our students’ achievements during this latest remote learning period and helping them reconnect with their friends and peers.

Term 1 Canteen Price List  July 27 welcome back

Take care

James Whitla