Best wishes and Learning and Teaching Supports


Dear Families
I write to wish you all the very best of success with the remote learning program that we are all learning and undertaking for the first time.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”

We as teachers and school leaders continue to prepare for this relatively unfamiliar and challenging world of remote learning and school closures. I want you to know that it’s ok if it feels uncomfortable and overwhelming. We are all in this together.

At times, things may feel like we are having success and that things are going really well, and at other times it may feel that things are falling apart around us.

If you are like me, you will be riding a rollercoaster of emotions each and every day

There is no manual or handbook that we can access and there isn’t a perfect model for delivery of remote learning experiences. The reality of all schools and classrooms that I have taught in and seen, is that we all have good moments and moments of absolute chaos. And that’s ok.

Our model (attached) covers what we believe is most important for our students and families right now. The streamlined schedule acknowledges the need for flexibility for our students, families and staff- who will also be juggling working from home- and the unique circumstances that we are all experiencing at this time. This model is ours and our expert staff are committed to making this a successful one.

I am a firm believer that eventually our remote learning experiences will make us stronger as educators, parents and as a community.

There is a lot of great content, support, advice and tips on our website and in the attachment, and we are determined to stay connected with you throughout this State of Emergency- and beyond

As humans, we crave social connection and in the absence of this physical connection, we must find a way to meet our social needs. Right now this means we will have to settle for remote connection.

I have great faith in our staff, our students and our families that we can create an online environment that connects us, supports us and educates us in the coming weeks and months.

Good luck and stay safe

Edithvale-We’ve got this!

VolunteerLetter2019  Edithvale Remote Learning – for parents (263 KB) – 13-Apr-2020

James Whitla