Congratulations and Week 2 overview


Dear families

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding throughout the last month as we reinvent the way that learning and teaching is undertaken at Edithvale Primary. I, and our entire staff, have been buoyed by the determination, attitude and commitment of our students and families and have greatly appreciated the positive feedback we have received.

The creativity of our students has been a highlight for our staff and we are all hoping to see this continue in the ensuing days, weeks and months. We are also keen to see and hear of many more successes in the near future.

We acknowledge and apologies for the parts to our transition that did not go quite to plan, and we appreciate and thank you for your patience while we rectify these. It wasn’t perfect but for the most part, we are pleased with the start our school has made and very proud of the wonderful community that we are all a part of.

We know it is not easy. Having school aged children, toddlers or teenagers in the home learning space, as well as juggling work is bound to be challenging. Please know that we are here to help in any way that we can. We understand that not all of our experiences will be positive and that not every day will go to plan. We encourage you to reflect and build upon the successes you did have during week 1 and celebrate these.

Our aims last week were to provide a platform for everyone to experience some learning and teaching success and maintain strong connections with our community. As we fully transition into remote learning we will be providing increasingly rigorous learning tasks and activities that continue to stretch students’ understanding. Each Sunday an overview of the upcoming week’s learning will be provided by each Year level-the first of these is attached. They are designed to help give our families a snapshot of upcoming tasks and the broad curriculum content that will be covered.

We are all still adjusting to remote learning and building upon our knowledge and understanding of SEESAW. As we refine this, we hope to provide engaging, relevant and suitably challenging tasks for our students so that when school resumes, our students are well prepared and excited to continue their learning journey.

We remain committed to providing flexible learning opportunities and timetables that take into consideration of the diverse and often complex needs of our families and school staff. Teachers are aiming to set work that can be completed independently and if this is not your child’s experience, please contact their classroom teacher via our school’s email-

Staff will continue to provide targeted, individualised and personalised feedback to all students on their work and help guide and teach them to refine, develop and enhance their knowledge and skills- remotely.

If you are having issues with the online platforms or with our technology please contact our front School Office team.

If the issue is around accessing or using SEESAW, please contact your child’s classroom teacher, preferably using the school’s email. Our talented staff will work through this with your child and with you.

Thank you for recognising how important remote learning is in keeping us all safe. If we are all able to play our roles in stopping community transmission of COVID-19, we will all be able to be back at school and learning and teaching in the manner that we are most accustomed.

Stay safe, healthy and connected

VolunteerLetter2019  Foundation Weekly Overview Week 2 (74 KB) – 19-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Year 1 Weekly Overview Week 2 (143 KB) – 19-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Year 2 Weekly Overview Week 2 (101 KB) – 19-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Year 3 Weekly Overview Week 2 (236 KB) – 19-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Year 4 Weekly Overview Week 2 (83 KB) – 19-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Year 5/6 Weekly Overview Week 2 (212 KB) – 19-Apr-2020

James Whitla

Additional Information:

VolunteerLetter2019  COVID-19 Return to School Policy (534 KB) – 19-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Important Information for a Return to School (680 KB) – 19-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Return to School Information (168 KB) – 12-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Acceptable Use Agreement – ICT (372 KB) – 10-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  DET Secretary Open Letter to Parents (851 KB) – 15-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Digital Technologies Policy (484 KB) – 14-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Edithvale Remote Learning – for parents (263 KB) – 13-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Information about EPS Home Learning with SEESAW (121 KB) – 25-Mar-2020
VolunteerLetter2019   Information Collection Notice (247 KB) – 10-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019   Learning from Home: Information for parents and carers (208 KB) – 10-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Loan of Assets Agreement (444 KB) – 10-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019   On site attendance form (629 KB) – 10-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Online Learning Handbook Student Edition (218 KB)
VolunteerLetter2019  Physical Distancing Guidance for Schools (142 KB)
VolunteerLetter2019  WebEx Instructions for Families (509 KB) – 01-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  WebEx Meeting Update (359 KB) – 06-May-2020

Resources for all year levels