Lockdown Update from Mr Whitla


Dear Families

Without doubt you are aware by now that the Acting Premier has today announced a 7 day state-wide circuit breaker lockdown commencing at 11:59 pm tonight and effective until 11:59 pm Thursday 3 June. Obviously not where any of us want to be – but nothing we can’t handle together.

In a nutshell this means:

  1. Schools will be closed and will transition to remote and flexible learning. Exception will be for the provision of onsite supervision for vulnerable children and those of essential workers.
  2. Monday 31 May to Thursday 3 June, all schools across the state will provide a remote and flexible learning program, that aims at ensuring continuity of learning.
  3. Friday 4 June- we will return to onsite arrangements.

I wish to put a rider on the following information- and that is I have heard from multiple sources that tomorrow MIGHT be a Student Free Day. If this is confirmed, we will pass this on as soon as possible and determine what arrangements we can make with TeamKids.

This is the first of a number of communications that will be sent out and over the next few days and as always, we aim to get the timing and volume of these right. As with this virus, things can change quickly and we ask that you continue to check in regularly to Compass to access any updates from DHHH, DET and our school.

Today our staff began working to create learning opportunities for our students to engage with in the home setting that help to support learning continuity for them. This planning will continue tomorrow after a teacher/student check-in via Webex, and over the weekend.

Throughout the term we have helped plan for the current reality by ensuring students have continued to be post work through SEESAW, distributed all school digital devices loaned through last year’s remote learning, supported students in their use of the MyNumeracy program and invested in student wellbeing activities daily.

Teachers will be posting a message on SeeSaw at 8.30 am tomorrow (unless a Student free day is confirmed) that:

has the meeting room link for their Webex ‘personal room’ and the time that their morning meeting will begin.

Today students will arrive home with supplies in their school bags that will help them to complete the tasks that have been set. This includes pencil cases, whiteboards (some Year levels), SEESAW login details and work books.

Teaching and Learning Model

Learning tasks will be posted and teaching and Educational support staff will be available at different times throughout the day to offer support and advice for students. These varying times aim to take into account the needs of our families- noting that flexibility for us all needs to be prioritised.

All resources for student learning will be available through SEESAW and WEBEX.

We will again be using SEESAW for home learning.

Please sign in with your Home Learning code following the steps below:

  1. Go to https://web.seesaw.me on a computer.
  2. Or install the Seesaw Class iOS or Android app.
  3. Tap “I’m a Student”.
  4. Scan or type in your Home Learning code
  5. Post to your journal, respond to activities, and view class announcements.
  6. Remember, this code is like a password. Keep it safe!

The below table is an example of how your child’s day might look for the next 4 or 5 days. The times of WEBEX
meetings will be staggered as much as possible.

Webex 9.00am – Morning meeting on Webex meetings (hosted in a teacher’s Personal Meeting Room)
This meeting will outline –

  • Independent and Teacher directed tasks for each day
  • A wellbeing check in to gauge how students are feeling and a tip to help proactively
  • manage their wellbeing during Remote Learning
  • A reminder for students about the time their teacher will be available to clarify

expectations, answer questions or provide feedback on completed work later in the


SeeSaw You can see the set tasks (referred to above) on SeeSaw.
More ‘self-directed’ tasks relating to English, PBIL, or Wellbeing.
These will be ‘liked’ or ‘commented’ on later in the day.


Students will still be offered an Art, Phys Ed, Science or French lesson throughout the week. There will be one lesson
per subject, and the specialist lessons will be spread across the next 7 days.

All students will be learning from home, except for students in the following categories

Children on days when they are not able to be supervised at home and no other arrangements can be made. This will be available for children of parents who cannot work from home, any student with a disability and vulnerable children, including:

  • children in out-of-home care, children deemed vulnerable by a government agency, funded family or family violence service, and is assessed as requiring education and care outside the family home;
  • Children identified by a school as vulnerable, (via referral from a government agency, or funded family or family violence service, homeless or youth justice service or mental health or other health service);
  • Children with a disability and the family is experiencing severe stress.

The Onsite Supervision program for Permitted workers will operate as in previous lockdowns.

Staff will supervise students in this program but there will be no instruction. Students will be in uniform and require lunch and morning snack (as per a normal day).

The following resources are also available to support your mental health and wellbeing:

We have been able to manage remote learning so successfully in the past because of the positive engagement of our community, the hard work of our staff and the resilience of our students. Together we will once again push through the current circumstances and return to school next Friday ready to pick up where we left off – and finish the term strongly.

Term 1 Canteen Price List  Tips_for_discussing_COVID
Term 1 Canteen Price List  Lockdown_Update_27.05.21

Take care and stay safe

James Whitla