Sunday update- masks recommendation


Dear Families

I hope you have enjoyed the sunshine over the weekend and had a chance to relax and unwind as much as you can during these uncertain times.

Apologies for the lateness of this message. At a Saturday Statewide Principal briefing we were told that an updated School Operations Guide and communications would arrive soon – and at 7:51 pm tonight it finally did!

At this briefing key messages were repeated- namely the importance of connection and wellbeing. We have again been reminded of the importance of providing a structured and predictable learning program. Our hope is that our students can have a focus on learning while providing a distraction from the news and uncertainty that has engulfed our society.

The biggest change, and this will impact mostly on those students who are permitted on-site, is that it is now recommended primary-school-age children wear masks while indoors and outdoors, except when in the home or when an exception applies. However, it is not mandatory.

For those students who fall into either of the 2 categories for attendance on-site tomorrow, we will have face masks available.

Staff supervising on-site will continue to wear face masks, removing these only for communication purposes while teaching, and continue to socially distance whenever possible.

As more DET information about any new safety guidelines is made available to us, we will get this to you as soon as we can.
The Department is making wellbeing a priority at this time, with numerous supports and services available to parents, students and staff.  Below are some  external counselling services that are available.

We are planning ways in which we can all be together again at school as soon as we can. This will be a chance to celebrate our community’s resilience and determination to overcome immense adversity together.

Take care. Stay safe.

Do not think of today’s failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourself a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere, and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles.”– Helen Keller

James Whitla