Friday Update Week 9


Transition next week on Tuesday and Wednesday coincides with the State-wide Year 7 transition day on Tuesday. We will run a different timetable next week and again in the last week.

We are expanding our whole school transition plan to make the start to 2021 as smooth and successful as we can. This means that on Tuesday December 8 and Wednesday December 9 students will spend their time in the classroom with next year’s teacher and their 2021 classmates.

We continue to make every effort to ensure that our students, families and staff lay a strong foundation for what will hopefully be a year with greater certainty and less disruption.

In 2021 our school goals, as they will be for all schools throughout Victoria, are sorted into 3 key areas

  • Happy, Healthy and Active Kids
  • Learning Catch Up and Extension
  • Connection to School

The transitions days will provide an opportunity to start to address these goals and provide a platform for strong relationships to be developed between students and teachers. Over the 2 days of transition we will support students to step up into their new Year level and we are confident that by the end of this expanded transition program our students and staff will be ready to hit the ground running in 2021.

The goals of the expanded transition program include………

  • Students becoming familiar and connected with their classmates and teachers
  • Establishing classroom routines, processes and expectations of students for 2021
  • Equip students with the skills to make a positive start to their new year level
  • Continuing to build students’ resilience
  • Heading into the end of year break feeling strongly connected to school and looking forward to the year

Please be assured that the intense process of determining next year’s classes is a major undertaking by our teachers and that we all want the best for each of our students. EVERY student has been paired with at least ONE of their preferred learning buddies as promised.

We are confident that ALL classes will access excellent teaching and learning throughout 2021 and I ask that you support and trust the professional judgements of our teaching staff in creating classes for next year.

As was the case in Semester 1, 2020, student reporting in Semester 2, 2020 will look a little different to previous years. Reports will reflect the adjustments that we have made to our curriculum programs in response to the needs of our students, and the disruption caused by coronavirus (COVID-19).

The final student reports for Semester 2 will build upon earlier Progress reports and reflect aspects of the teaching and learning undertaken during both face to face and remote and flexible learning during Semester 2.

Student reporting in Semester 2, 2020 focuses on what progress has been made and what has been achieved by each child. We have followed Department advice by trying to keep these reports simple but making them meaningful.

Reports are now live through the COMPASS portal. This semester reports for some subjects will include

  • a short description of what was taught
  • a teacher judgement against the English, Mathematics and Physical Education Victorian Curriculum F-10
    achievement standards
  • Class attendance percentage for the whole year
  • an age-related five-point scale
  • progress from the last time that curriculum area was reported on (from the hollow dot 12 months ago to the
    current achievement level indicated by the solid dot). In this example Reading and Viewing growth is
    equivalent to 18 months. Writing and Speaking and Listening growth is 12 months.

Banking programs and financial literacy programs banned in schools

School banking and financial literacy programs delivered by financial institutions will be banned from Term 1, 2021

From Term 1 next year, as directed by the State Government, school banking and financial literacy programs provided by financial institutions will be banned in Victorian government schools and replaced by quality school-led programs.

Last day and final assembly-
Our students’ last day of the school year will be Thursday December 17 and they will be dismissed at the conclusion of our final assembly (1:45pm). Our final assembly this year will look and feel a bit different as (currently) the rules are clear that it is a student and staff only event. “Face-to-face year level assemblies, graduations and other school gatherings can occur at full capacity if they are exclusively attended by students and staff only.”

At this assembly we will acknowledge our 2021 student leaders and farewell our graduating students of 2020.

We are aiming to open the gates from 1:30pm so that parents can gather on-site (adhering to social distancing recommendations) and collect children. TeamKids will be operating from approximately 1:30pm -6:00pm on this day for any families who need to access their service.

Class parties
Class parties will be held on the final day of the school year. Sharing of food is not recommended and this year this limits what food can be eaten at the class parties. Soon each year level will send out information about what food options are available- individual packs only. For example there will be no sharing of chips, pizza, party pies etc.

Breakfast Club
It has been terrific to see so many students connecting with each other in the STEM centre over some breakfast this week. The offer of breakfast extends to all students from 8:20-8:50 every morning. Students attending can enter through the gates adjacent to the traffic lights on Edithvale Rd and will be supervised in the building until 8:45 when all staff are on duty.

All other school gates will opened at 8:40am

Stay strong and keep well.

James Whitla