Edithvale Primary School has a well equipped school canteen which operates 4 days per week; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The Canteen is run by our Canteen Manager, Mrs Diane Cameron who is assisted daily by a large number of parents who volunteer their time on a regular basis.
Without Diane and her many willing workers it would not be possible for the Canteen to run, so we thank them for their participation in ensuring that the students of Edithvale Primary School are able to order healthy, wholesome lunches.
Once a term, Diane runs special lunch days such as sushi day or hot dog day.
Lunch orders can be purchased using cash on the day or through Qkr. For futher instructions on the ordering process please check out the new parent section under ‘Things you need to know’.
Please ensure if using Qkr that the order has been placed before 8:25am.
The latest Canteen Pricelist is available for download:
Canteen Pricelist – Term 1 – 2024
Voluntary Assistance in Canteen
- If you are interested in volunteering in the Canteen, please contact the office on 9772 1393. A current Working with Children’s card is required.