Parent Partnership Meetings


Dear EPS families,

We invite you to attend a Parent Partnership Meeting (Parent/Teacher Interviews) to discuss your child’s progress and goals for the future. These meetings will take place in the final week of the term, from Monday 21/6 until Friday 26/6.

The purpose of these meetings is to discuss the Semester 1 Report that your child’s teachers have put together and importantly to collaboratively discuss your child’s education.

These meetings will all be conducted online via Webex Meetings due to the uncertainty around restrictions that may be in place for the week of the meetings. Our Specialist teachers will be available and you can book a meeting with them too.

Please use the COMPASS portal to book a 15-minute meeting with your child’s teachers. An email link will be sent to you on Monday 21/6, which will enable you to enter into a virtual meeting room at the time you have specified and you can meet with your child’s teacher from the comfort of your home or workplace.

For these meetings to run smoothly we respectfully ask that you please note the start and finish time of your meeting and be logged in and ready. Our staff will endeavour to also be prompt for each meeting and aim to be running on time too.

To access the booking system, open the ‘menu’, click ‘Conferences’ and follow the prompts. we have also attached detailed guides to this message to help you with the process.

If you have any questions about this process, please email the school at or call our Admin team on (03) 9772 1393.

 Booking from Android Devices
 Booking from Apple devices


Luke McMaster