Dear Families
Today’s staff professional learning has been amazing. Together with our Department Student Support Officer we dived deeply into the strength based Disability Inclusion initiative to understand how we can continue to make adjustments to our learning and teaching environment so that all students can access quality education. We learned, discussed in depth, and shared, knowledge together so that we have an expanded repertoire of inclusive education practices.
We are still awaiting the delivery of our next shipment of Rapid Antigen Tests. I am hopeful that they will be available for us to distribute to families on Tuesday after the long weekend. On behalf of our school staff, I wish to thank and acknowledge our community’s efforts and commitment to use these and help keep us all safe. Your patience and understanding at this time are greatly appreciated.
School Council Update
The first meeting of our newest School Council took place on Tuesday evening. At the Annual General Meeting the 2021 Annual report to the school community was presented. This report included a summary of some key DET markers from last year. Survey results, student achievement results (NAPLAN and teacher judgements) and Financial position were tabled.
There were some good news stories throughout the report including the following areas that puts us above the State average of other primary schools:
- Students’ sense of connectedness
- Student attendance
- School Climate and parent satisfaction
- NAPLAN English results
A couple of focus areas that we have identified for this year in our Annual Improvement Plan include targeting our High Ability students (measured against NAPLAN) in Numeracy and managing student attitudes towards bullying.
School Uniform
At our General Meeting our Council has endorsed the proposed upgrade of our School Uniform. Over the next 6 months we will start the process of introducing the option of an updated uniform (same colours but with a slightly different style and branding that reflects our new logo). The price of the new uniform items will be very similar to the current prices and with a slight increase to reflect the better quality material that will be used.
Our uniform suppliers – Primary School Wear (PSW) – ensure that all new uniform stock will be available at the start of Term 4 and we can start phasing in the new look uniform.
We believe that there is enough of our current stock available to get us through to the end of Term 3. Throughout Term 3 our current uniform will be sold at between 25-35% off the regular price through the PSW outlet store.
Any stock leftover at the end of Term 3 will then be purchased by Edithvale Primary School and sold at school at heavily discounted prices.
Until October 2024 rolls around, we will see 2 styles of Edithvale Primary School uniform – both using the same Royal blue and yellow colour scheme but with slightly different logos/branding and styles.
In the coming weeks we will distribute some additional ‘photo proofs’ to families so that you can see what the new items will look like before we get some uniform samples to display in our Office Administration Area at a later date.
As we move towards the colder winter months and the thought of buying school clothing items, we want to ensure our families have all of the information available to make an informed decision about possible future purchases.
Thank you
We also acknowledged and thanked School Councillors – Nikki Brown, Mark Eddey and Mike Smits – who are leaving us. They leave our school in a much better place than when they first started on the Council and their energy, enthusiasm and commitment over the years has been outstanding.
Although at times curtailed by the disruption caused by COVID, their support of our school and drive to create a strong culture has been incredibly important in our efforts to improve and develop as a school community.
There is no doubt in my mind that each of these departing members have helped us create a great school environment and importantly, one that is well respected in the broader community. Thank you Nikki, Mark and Mike.
FREE HOLIDAY CAMPS for eligible Families still available
The Victorian Government is offering the chance for eligible students to attend a free camp program as part of the Positive Start in 2022 initiative, during the 2022 school holiday periods.
These camps are completely free of charge to eligible families of students in Years 3-6 during 2022.
Students who meet one or more of the following criteria are eligible to attend a free holiday camp:
- attend a school that experienced closures of 5 days or more due to COVID-19 in 2021
- have an approved Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) application for 2022
- have a parent who holds a valid means-tested concession card (for example a Health Care Card, Job Seeker, Newstart Allowance, Disability Support Pension)
- are in out-of-home care (temporary or permanent)
- have a disability
- are from a refugee background
- are indigenous students
Places are limited, so if you are interested in this opportunity for your child or children, register your interest as soon as possible. Registrations close Friday 25 March 2022. For further information, including how to register, visit: https://vacsdata.educationapps.vic.gov.au/PositiveStartHolidayCamps/
The Resilience Project (TRP). We have purchased the student manuals for 2022. These manuals and the associated lessons focus on Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness in a consistent approach throughout the school. The weekly sessions include support mental health in the classroom, with Emotional Literacy being a foundational skill to practise these strategies.
In partnership with TRP we have access to a range of resources – through TRP@Home – designed to help you to continue to support the positive mental health of your child/children. The Kids’ section is filled with fun activities and tools designed to help kids build resilience and feel happier.
TRP @ Home has been designed to provide families with easy to implement learning activities and digital content linked to The Resilience Projects key principles of; Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness & Emotional Literacy.
These principles are supported by research that shows practising them everyday will help you feel happier and more resilient. Just like anything in life if you want to become better at something, you just need to practice!
This week’s focus is Empathy: Putting ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.
Empathy – Kids — TRP@HOME (theresilienceproject.com.au)
Student Engagement and Wellbeing
Our Student engagement and wellbeing policy is one that we reflect upon and reference regularly as we continue in our efforts to make our school a safe and positive learning environment. The policy itself is update every couple of years and we have embarked on this process – again using the Department of Education and Training guidelines and templates. A Draft policy is included below:
DRAFT – Student wellbeing engagement policy
Our Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy includes an explanation some of the programs we have in place to:
- create and maintain a positive and engaging school culture
- create and maintain a safe and supportive school environment
- value diversity and promote pro-social behaviour
- adopt a staged approach to promote positive behaviours; and
- apply disciplinary measures.
It is tailored to the needs of our students with targeted strategies to address student behaviour, and health and wellbeing. Our aim is for staff, students and members of our school community to understand the standards of behaviour expected of students at school so that together we can maintain a supportive and positive school environment.
Therapy Dog
You may have seen or been fortunate enough to meet our newest member of the Edithvale Primary team, Mia our therapy dog. Mia has been put through an extensive training program to ensure that she is suitable for the role and has been prepared for this role along with her owner – and current Education Support staff member – Michelle.
Mia is another great addition to our school to our Wellbeing team who can help with students’ emotional regulation, anxiety, and general wellbeing. Mia will be on-site every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning and Fridays from midday.
Kind regards
James Whitla