End of Term Update


Dear Families

As the term comes to an end, and on behalf of all of our staff (Teaching, Education support and Administration) I wish to thank you and your children for the extraordinary efforts we have seen over the last 10 weeks.

We understand and appreciate that, in schools across the state – Government, Independent and Catholic – that students are tired and well and truly over remote and flexible learning.

We are holding out hope that the Premier’s announcement on Sunday provides us with some good news about schools opening up and getting back to normal. Whatever decisions are made – staggered student re-entry, alternating days of face to face learning, extended remote learning – we’ll be ready. We will continue to prioritise students’ wellbeing and support our families as much as we can.


We have attached a resource that has recently been made available through the Department that is aimed at supporting students over the holidays and we hope you find helpful.

Student free day

At our School Council meeting it was agreed that we would reschedule (for the third time) our next student free day. This has been locked in for Monday November 1 – a date when we traditionally have only 50-60% of students attending school – with the aim of causing as little disruption as possible. Our professional learning presenter is available on this day and we are looking forward to finally being able to engage with him around student wellbeing and positive behaviours. If we cannot meet face to face, the effectiveness of this day will be compromised and we will again look to find a suitable date later in Term 4.

TeamKids will be running a full day supervision program on this date for any families who need to access this service.

Progress reports

A reminder that our Term 3 Progress reports are now available in Compass. These reports are reflective of the both remote and face to face learning undertaken this term.

Assistant Principal

After delaying the interview process three times we were finally able to complete interviews for the vacant Assistant Principal position commencing on October 4. Luke Mcmaster will be staying on in the role until the end of the year and for next term, we will have 2 Assistant Principals working alongside each other to support our students, staff and community .

I am delighted to announce that Hayley Grindley – who has been working in a Regional Department role (Professional Learning Community Coach) – will be joining us at the start of next term. Hayley brings a unique perspective to school improvement and I am confident that she will be a great fit for our great school.

2022 Staffing and planning

The work of staffing for next year has started and we’re working off around 475 student enrolments. This includes about 75 Foundation students (4 classes) and means that we’ll have enough classroom spaces for each of the 23 grades. At the top end of the school we will run with straight grades and have 2 Year 6 classes and 2 Year 5 classes.

Once again thank you for your dedication and engagement to support our students during enormously challenging circumstances.

Understandably this effort can take a toll on you. Please take a moment to rest and reenergise over the next few weeks, and reflect on the great work you have done throughout the term which has had a significant and positive impact.

Take care and stay safe

James Whitla