August 27 Update


Dear Families

We are in the middle of a very difficult time. But please take a moment today to say to your child, to friends and to other parents and carers in our community, and to yourself – you are doing an amazing job!

The wellbeing of all our students, as always, is our main priority and we continue to work with the cards we have been dealt to try to support each and every student so that they can return to school in a positive frame of mind.

Included in today’s update are

  • some supports and tips that are offered by the Department of Education for families to support wellbeing
  • Weekly Overviews that detail learning objectives of the week

Looking after your child’s mental health
Parents and carers can access tips here to support their child’s mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Headspace has also created a video providing tips to support parents and carers during lockdown and are running webinars for parents and carers about offering support when they are concerned about a young person’s mental health.
Wellbeing activities and conversation starters are available for parents of primary school-aged children

Student Wellbeing Event

Thanks to any and all families who had a crack at the Nailed it Challenge this week and for sharing the many and varied talents of our students from kitchens throughout the area.

Next week we are planning another whole school optional challenge for our students – juggling!

Juggling engages your problem-solving skills. You can’t just throw all the balls up in the air and hope everything comes together! This is why juggling is excellent for helping to master the art of concentration.

Juggling is challenging and be difficult to master at first, and like reading, playing music or throwing a ball, it becomes easier once you’ve learned the basics and practiced it.

To help us explore how to juggle we have engaged with circus skills extraordinaire Hayden O’Brien who will be coming to us live via Zoom on Friday September 3rd at 10:00am and 10:45am. At these sessions he will show us some of his amazing skills and to give everyone a lesson on how to juggle.

There will be more information to look out for on Seesaw early next week and we hope that your child (and you if you have time) will enjoy the juggling session and the challenge of learning this skill.

“If we try to secure the well-being of others, we will, at the same time, create the conditions for our own.” – Dalai Lama

Take Care

James Whitla