Dear parents and carers,
Apologies for the late email and as promised, I am sending this with updated information from the Department of Education and confirming that tomorrow May 28 IS a Student Free Day.
Importantly, we will continue to focus on the health and wellbeing of our students and broader community over the next 7 days. Our school values launch this week could not have come at a better time. Respect, Kindness and Determination will help us successfully navigate the next week and ensure we return on June 4th, ready to pick up where we left off today.
The Acting Premier today announced new circuit breaker restrictions for Victoria to swiftly address the recent COVID-19 outbreak.
The restrictions will be in place from 11.59pm tonight for a seven-day period.
Following advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, all Victorian schools will move to a period of remote and flexible learning from Monday 31 May to Thursday 3 June inclusive.
Tomorrow (Friday 28 May) will be a State wide student-free day to allow all schools time to prepare for the Remote and Flexible learning that will begin on Monday 31 May. There will be NO teaching and learning tasks provided to students tomorrow via either SESAW or Webex – this is contrary to information sent earlier today.
Limited On-site supervision from 9:00 am -3:30 pm tomorrow – Friday May 28 – will be provided ONLY to students who meet the strict criteria listed below. Students are asked to bring along snacks, a drink and lunch and wear school uniform. Any student who qualifies for supervision tomorrow is encouraged to bring along activities, books to read and games that they can undertake independently – under supervision.
All students will be learning from home from 28 May – 3 June, except for students in the following categories
- Children where both parents and/or carers are authorised workers who cannot work from home, work for an essential provider and where no other supervision arrangements can be made:
- Where there are two parents/carers, both must be authorised workers, working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for on-site provision
- For single parents/ carers, the authorised worker must be working outside the home in order for their children to be eligible for on-site provision.
- Vulnerable children, including:
- children in out-of-home care
- children deemed vulnerable by a government agency, funded family or family violence service, and assessed as requiring education and care outside the family home
- children identified by a school or early childhood service as vulnerable, (including via referral from a government agency, or funded family or family violence service, homeless or youth justice service or mental health or other health service)
Team Kids will be operating our Outside School Hours Care service under the same arrangements and criteria. Please contact the team directly on 1300 035 000 or info@teamkids.com.au
Remote and Flexible Teaching and Learning tasks will be offered for ALL students from next Monday. The learning program delivered on-site next week will be the same as the learning program delivered to students undertaking remote learning. Students attending on-site will be supervised by staff on-site but follow the teaching and learning program provided by their classroom teacher. Preliminary details about how this might look were included in our last update and we will continue to refine these teaching plans over the next 48-72 hours.
If your child meets the criteria for on-site supervision, please contact us at school either via email edithvale.ps@education.vic.gov.au or on 9772 1393 from 8:15 am tomorrow (May 28)
Take care and stay strong
James Whitla