School Council Update - Term 2

Edithvale Primary School

School Council Update




From the President – Andrew Murray

It’s hard to believe that we’ve reached the mid-point of the school year. The last month has been busy for the school, with the School Council making many plans to continue bringing EPS’s vision to life. At last month’s council meeting, our student leaders were centre stage presenting their plans for this year. Much praise should go to the students for their preparedness, but also in driving initiatives that encourage inclusion and sustainability. The program encapsulates what EPS is about and is a true reflection of the school’s values.

I was lucky enough to attend the Cyber-bullying seminar ‘It takes a village’ held for senior school parents – an incredibly eye-opening discussion about the ever-changing landscape of online interactions, and our roles and responsibilities as parents in minimising the  risk of harm for our children.

From the Principal – Hayley Grindley

It has been a pleasure to work with our passionate and hardworking members on the EPS School Council. These parents are your representatives and voice to support the learning, wellbeing and envionmental needs of our amazing students. Please do seek out our members in the yard, they’d love to chat to you. We would love additional members on our Sub Committees so they can build to be bigger and better and more impactful. This year they have already made signficiant contributions and have planned upcoming improvements across the school.

Buildings & Grounds

The B&G team have recently completed a walk around of the school and have identified all external areas for upgrade (big and  small).

This list will then be prioritised into long and short term goals. We are looking forward to reintroducing Working Bees to assist to maintaining and improving our school grounds.

EPS Families

The Families team work to support our in-school acknowledgements and celebrations. This term they faciliated the Mothers’ and
Special Friends’ stall and helped with the FightMND Big freeze.

The committee is working towards streamlining our processess to made voluteering for events easier. 

A focus on sharing information for parents regarding Cyber saftey is also a priority for next term. 

Our Parent Trivia Night is on Friday 30th August.

EPS Community

The major event for the committee was the FightMND Big Freeze. Our aim is to support the link between school and community. We are here to support the Student Leadership Team in their charitable and fundraising events throughout the year. 

We also have a Bunnings BBQ locked in for Saturday August 17th.