Weekly Overview - Week 6


Stronger Together

Remote Learning has been a herculean task to undertake for our students, families and staff and it is important that we take a collective pause and reflect on the great efforts of all involved to make this (mostly) highly successful. Thank you for the extra time and the extra work that YOU have invested into this learning. Our reward is the light at the end of the tunnel, and a clear timeline for a return to school.

School will look and feel a little bit different when we return and it may take time for us all to get used to the changes. The changes are all well intentioned and

For our Year 3-6 students, nothing changes for a few more weeks and for our Foundation to Year 2 students, this will (hopefully) be the last week of their remote learning. Many feelings and emotions will no doubt be swirling around in their heads- excitement, nervousness, uncertainty, relief to name a few- and our focus this week will be on preparing our students as best as we can for a smooth transition back in to Edithvale Primary. The attached overview reflects this.

When students begin to return to school there may be a period of time where some could struggle to settle back in to the school routine. Some will be over excited to see their friends and others will be distant. The social and emotional health of students remains a high priority for us and the closer we get to a return to face to face teaching and ‘normal’ schooling, the more important it will be for us all to support our littlest heroes- who have been amazing throughout remote learning. Re-establishing morning routines that were in place before school suddenly stopped in March will be a key to this.

As I wrote on Friday, the strategies we will put in place are designed to support physical distancing and good hygiene practices to reduce the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission. On Tuesday I will outline the health and safety measures we will be putting in place including hygiene, learning environments, cleaning and staggered start times in the last 3 weeks of term for our Year 3-6 students. These will be in place for the remainder of the term and if we get it right, I am hopeful, that school will return to normal for the start of term 3.

We ARE Stronger Together!

VolunteerLetter2019  Foundation Weekly Overview Week 6 (70 KB) – 18-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Year 1 Weekly Overview Week 6 (138 KB) – 18-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Year 2 Weekly Overview Week 6 (132 KB) – 18-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Year 3 Weekly Overview Week 6 (219 KB) – 18-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Year 4 Weekly Overview Week 6 (104 KB) – 18-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Year 5/6 Weekly Overview Week 6 (80 KB) – 17-May-2020

James Whitla

Additional Information:

VolunteerLetter2019  COVID-19 Return to School Policy (534 KB) – 19-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Important Information for a Return to School (680 KB) – 19-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Return to School Information (168 KB) – 12-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Acceptable Use Agreement – ICT (372 KB) – 10-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  DET Secretary Open Letter to Parents (851 KB) – 15-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Digital Technologies Policy (484 KB) – 14-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Edithvale Remote Learning – for parents (263 KB) – 13-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Information about EPS Home Learning with SEESAW (121 KB) – 25-Mar-2020
VolunteerLetter2019   Information Collection Notice (247 KB) – 10-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019   Learning from Home: Information for parents and carers (208 KB) – 10-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Loan of Assets Agreement (444 KB) – 10-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019   On site attendance form (629 KB) – 10-Apr-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  Online Learning Handbook Student Edition (218 KB)
VolunteerLetter2019  Physical Distancing Guidance for Schools (142 KB)
VolunteerLetter2019  WebEx Instructions for Families (509 KB) – 01-May-2020
VolunteerLetter2019  WebEx Meeting Update (359 KB) – 06-May-2020

Resources for all year levels